Out of all the Hawaiian Islands, there are five that stand out from all the rest. Those five islands are perfect for destination weddings, which is why they should all be at the top of your list when you are planning yours.
Hawaii, The Big Island
The Big Island, which is also called Hawaii, is one of the best destination wedding locations in the world. You can get married out on the beach, down near the lush jungle, or near one of the many waterfalls. Add in the numerous resorts with wedding venues and you will have almost too many options to choose from for your destination wedding.
The island of Maui is more relaxed than some of the other Hawaiian Islands, which can be good and bad for your destination wedding. It is best to make sure you get everything in writing and work with only the best wedding planners to avoid a few missed items on your big day. With that being said, past couples have raved about their destination wedding experiences on Maui.
Flights to the island of Oahu are plentiful from many parts of the US, so getting there is hardly ever an issue. There are quite a few wedding venues to choose from and many couples choose to incorporate the Hawaiian culture into their big day. Add in the perfect weather, at any time of the year, and everything will be amazing for your big day.
Attention to the most personal details are what makes the island of Lanai stand out from the rest of the Hawaiian Islands when it comes to destination weddings. Vows can be said down on the beach, over at Hulopoe Bay, or within the gorgeous uplands of the island. Focusing on the intricate details will ensure your destination wedding is perfect in every way.
Having a destination wedding on the island of Kauai will have you checking the conditions of the weather and environment of the venue you choose before making any commitments. After all, crashing waves in the background may or may not be exactly what you have in mind for your destination wedding. If you do not want the beach as your backdrop, you can always choose an adventure wedding that will have you saying “I Do” by a waterfall or inside a cave. The options are plentiful on this magical island.
Selecting a Hawaiian Island for your destination wedding is not easy, but there is one that will be perfect for the wedding you want to have. Simply choose the one that fits your wedding style the best and make it as amazing as you can.