Do you have a problem with over-packing for your vacations? If any of the scenarios below sound familiar to you, then, you my friend, are an over-packer!   

The good news is, you’re not alone!  

It’s estimated that about 62% of Americans over-pack for vacation.  Even though a lot of people over-pack, most of them know it’s a bad habit and makes their travels more difficult.  So, here are a few tips to help you scale back the next time you pack 

Spread out everything:  Before you put anything in your suitcase, spread everything out.  That means clothing, shoes, and accessories.  This way, if anything looks excessive, you can see it plainly and scale back. 

Don’t pack for maybes and what-ifs.… Only pack for your plans that are set in stone.  Of course, there is a huge chance you’re going to get up at 6 am to catch that morning yoga class.  I believe you. But just in case you decide to sleep in (especially if that’s what you’ve done in the past), maybe leave your workout wardrobe at home. 

Do a dry run: This is important. Pack your bag completely. Once that’s done, take a little walk. Maybe walk around the block with your bags. This should give you a good idea of what it’ll be like to go through the airport. If you struggle on your walk, you’ll struggle at the airport.

Check your resources: Before you start packing check with your resort, hotel, or cruise ship.  Do they have laundry facilities on-site? If the answer is yes, you can simply wash your clothes instead of taking everything with you.

Pack smarter:  Be sure you’re doing a good job of taking advantage of all the space in your suitcase.  Packing cubes are a great way to pack and stay organized while avoiding the bulk. 

Buy local: If something unexpected comes up and you don’t have what you need for the day, guess what? You can find what you need on vacation!!  You’ll get to go shopping, find unique pieces, and contribute to the local economy. 

You don’t actually need ALL those shoes:  I know but hear me out.  The shoes are bulky and heavy, and you most likely won’t wear them all.  So, focus on a few great pair that are comfortable, and versatile. 

Remember the Motto:  As you pack, remember to say this motto a few times. 

When in doubt, leave it out

Remember, in your travels, you’ll meet two kinds of tourists – those who pack light and those who wish they had! Don’t be the latter, you’ll regret it at some point.


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