Top 10 Check-In and Check-Out Mistakes to Avoid at Your Hotel

Top 10 Check-In and Check-Out Mistakes to Avoid at Your Hotel  Traveling is an exciting adventure, but the process of checking in and out of a hotel can sometimes throw a wrench in the smooth flow of your trip. At Paradise VIP Travel, we understand the importance of seamless experiences, which is why we’ve put […]

Are You an Over-Packer?

Do you have a problem with over-packing for your vacations? If any of the scenarios below sound familiar to you, then, you my friend, are an over-packer!  If you get to the airport for a 5–7day trip and your bag is over 50 pounds, you might have a problem.  If you get to the counter […]

How to Plan a Girl’s Trip

A weekend trip with your friends should be on everyone’s bucket list. There’s nothing better than spending a few days with your closest friends, making memories, and getting up to some mischief. But planning a girl’s trip while considering everyone’s schedules, budgets, and preferences can give you a migraine.    Before you start to feel […]